A Streetcar Named Desire

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Co-Produced by
US Bank
Associate Co-Produced by
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Opening NIght reception catered by


Drama by Tennessee Williams

This celebrated classic and Pulitzer Prize Winner ranks as one of the greatest in theatre. Blanche du Bois is a woman whose life has been undermined by her romantic illusions, which lead her to reject life’s realities. When she goes to live with her sister in New Orleans the pressure mounts and is intensified by her sister’s earthy young husband, Stanley.  Ultimately Blanche’s tragic self-delusion forces her to escape from reality.

Shows: April 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17


Directed by Piet Knetsch

Featured Artist: Dave Van Hee

Dinner and a Show: April 15

Audio Described Performance: April 16 What's this?


STELLAAAA Screaming Contest March 30th. Join the revelry!



Blanche DuBoiz — Melinda Nichols
Stanley Kowalski — Christoph Cording
Stella Kowalski — Laura Rose Clawson
Harold Mitchell — Dan Heinz
Eunice Hubbell — Melissa Story
Steve Hubbell — Travis Privat
Pablo Gonzalez — Mario Bonilla
Young Collector — Jared Schultz
Nurse — Marilyn Brobst
Doctor — Yosie Cardin-Ritter
Mexican Flower Woman — Betty Laird & Judith Scheff